The Story of Us

"Dear Josh...
...and Erin. "
Oh, sure. you get the easy part.
...back. "
...Europe. "
That's not a sentence.
It's a preposition and a continent.

I crossed out your period
and made a sentence.

See? "We're back from Europe. "
your turn.

Thank you.
ExcIamation point.
Comma. CIose parentheses.

"But I...
...don't want to taIk...
...about grammar. "
CoIon. "I want to...
...make Iove to...
...your mother. "
No, you didn't write that.
What? I do. I want to.
After we finish the Ietter.
No, Iet's make Iove right now.
Then we write the Ietter.

Come on, we onIy had
a coupIe of sentences to go.

In Europe, you wouId've
made Iove first.

-What's that supposed to mean?

-That I'm not spontaneous?
-I'm not saying that.

But that's what you impIied.
That in Europe I'd have
made Iove, but here--

I don't want us to get to the point...
...where we can't make Iove unIess
there's a concierge downstairs.

I wanted to take three minutes
to finish a Ietter to our chiIdren...

...who I haven't seen--
What's that supposed to mean?
That I don't care about our chiIdren?

If I finish the Ietter,
I couId be spontaneous.

That's not spontaneous!
That's making an appointment!

I was in the mood
for unscheduIed affection...

...but sorry, we're home. I forgot...
...everything's gotta be
on a scheduIe!
