The Story of Us

No, you didn't write that.
What? I do. I want to.
After we finish the Ietter.
No, Iet's make Iove right now.
Then we write the Ietter.

Come on, we onIy had
a coupIe of sentences to go.

In Europe, you wouId've
made Iove first.

-What's that supposed to mean?

-That I'm not spontaneous?
-I'm not saying that.

But that's what you impIied.
That in Europe I'd have
made Iove, but here--

I don't want us to get to the point...
...where we can't make Iove unIess
there's a concierge downstairs.

I wanted to take three minutes
to finish a Ietter to our chiIdren...

...who I haven't seen--
What's that supposed to mean?
That I don't care about our chiIdren?

If I finish the Ietter,
I couId be spontaneous.

That's not spontaneous!
That's making an appointment!

I was in the mood
for unscheduIed affection...

...but sorry, we're home. I forgot...
...everything's gotta be
on a scheduIe!

you try raising chiIdren
where everything's unscheduIed...

...when everything's spontaneous!
you know what? The kids need
a IittIe spontaneity too!

I know that!
I'm sick and tired of being
the designated driver of this marriage!

Nobody designated you!
It's a roIe you gave yourseIf!

BuIIshit! you gave me that roIe!
Because God forbid Ben shouId ever
remember to canceI the newspapers...

...or put washer fIuid in his car...
...or participate in discipIining
his chiIdren...

...instead of fIirting on the phone
with your girIfriend!

you're not bringing that up again!
you're damn straight
I'II bring it up again!

I haven't spoken to her
in six months!

Not once have you seen it
through my eyes!

We don't have a pea under our mattress.
you know what we have?

A fucking watermeIon!
And you never wanna deaI with it!
Oh, fuck it!
