The Thomas Crown Affair

Great. Back it up to
the morning part of the tape.

So they bring this thing in
earlier in the day. What's in it?

It could be a heater.
- What?
- In the briefcase, on a timer.

Bring the temperature up
ten more degrees.

You ever eat?
Lunch, for instance?
You like pizza?
I know a great place we could stop.

I'm on London time.
And pizza's not your thing.
What's the matter, Lieutenant?
Did she leave you for a stockbroker?

It's Detective, First Grade.
And he was a urologist.
Can I drop you someplace?
At your hotel?

One, I keep an apartment here,
and two, I'm going to your office.

She keeps an apartment.
I keep goldfish.
Hello there, little lady.
How are you doing?

- Detective.
- They don't seem to be Russian.

Tadross thinks maybe Romanian.
- The witness is here.
- Right.

Come on in.
Number four.
You're sure?
I'm sure.
- Would you mind indicating that here?
- Certainly.

Just check it off.
And if you could sign down here, please.

These gentlemen will take you out,
finish the paperwork.

- Appreciate it.
- Thank you very much.
