Three Kings

He could also put a land mine
in our path.

I don't think so. I've been fire
baptized, and this feels safe.

What are you talking about?
I have a ring of Jesus fire
to guide my decisions.

You're putting me on, right?
Do I look like I'm putting you on?
Okay, ring of Jesus fire.
Freeze, motherfucker!
Sir, this tent is restricted.
Get out of my way.
Mayday! Mayday! Goddamn it!
Good afternoon.
Would this be the proctology tent?
No, sir.
Maybe it's a urology tent.
Or the neurology tent.
Or the ear, nose and throat tent.
Captain's at a staff meeting, sir.
Captain a proctologist?
What's a proctologist, sir?
Doesn't matter.
I'm not looking for him.
I'm looking for Barlow.

You're on the path to truth when you
smell shit. Isn't that what they say?

I don't recognize you, sir.
Are you in this division?

He's not from this division.
He's Special Forces.

Did you present this map
to your captain?

Not yet, sir.
I'll take it to him.
That's not necessary, sir.
I can take it to him.

Don't get grabby, sergeant.
He's our C.O.
I'd have to tell him you took it.

That won't do either of us any good,
will it?

No, sir.
Sit down.
-What do you see here?
-Bunkers, sir.

-What's in them?
-Stuff they stole from Kuwait.

Bullshit. I'm talking about millions
in Kuwaiti bullions.

The little cubes you put in
hot water and make soup?

No, not the little cubes you put in hot
water to make soup.
