Three Kings

We didn't get to see any action.
-You want to see some action?
-Yeah, I do, sir.

Is this what you're after?
We dropped a lot of bombs out here.
We also buried a lot of guys alive.
The only action we seen was on CNN,
except for that dude Troy shot.

-Shot him in the neck?
-That's right, sir.

Fucking badass. I was there.
Took him out at 400 yards.

Head popped up in the air.
Crazy shot, man!
You know anything about gunshot wounds?
-I don't know.

The worst thing about a gunshot,
provided you survive the bullet...

:18:46 sepsis.
Infection of the blood.
Say a bullet tears into you--
Creates a cavity of dead tissue.
That cavity...

:18:54 fills up with bile and bacteria.
You're fucked.

But we're going to do this without
firing any shots...

...and just to be sure,
we'll do a dry run.

So get your suits on.
Now, we will say that the cow is a
primary guard outside the bunker.

Pull up fast, stop short.
Move very aggressively. Got it?
Got it!
Let's go!
Who's hurt?
It's all cow.
Yeah, it's all cow.
Y'all see that cow's head shoot up?
Just like a cartoon.
It's fucking crazy.

You said this area was swept for mines.
Wasn't a mine. It was a cluster bomb.
They're hard to see.
