Three to Tango

So he's not your type?
Well, he's....
No, I prefer to date people
who are a little...

...a little more....
-I don't know.
-Not so big and tall.

What are your thoughts on penis size?
Do you know, I haven't exactly
organized my thoughts on that yet.

Between you and me, when I was
dating Kevin, we had a real problem.

He has this giant thing!
No kidding.
I was surprised when Kevin told me
he was gay. You can't always tell.

Can you pass me the razor?
I'm gonna go.
Actually, I had a lesbian experience once.
You did?
Yeah, it was in college.
There was this Brazilian girl
in my intro philosophy class.

One night we were studying
and sitting on her bed...

...and her hair brushed my hand...
...and all of a sudden
I noticed how amazing she looked.

Olive skin and these incredible
bee-stung lips and these beautiful....

You know how it is in college.
We experimented.

Yeah, you had a....
Well, good for you, I say.
I'm saying good for you.
I could never tell a straight guy that.
He'd ask creepy questions,
try to weasel out details.

That's weird. That is sick and weird.
Men have these stupid
Penthouse-Spice Channel fantasies...

...about two women together...
:55:37 garter belts, push-up bras
and high heels.

-That's just not how it happens.
-Well, of course not.

What happens is....
It was just different.
She was passionate and sensitive.
Listen to me.
This must be so boring for you.

No, I mean, it's not that boring.
