Three to Tango

One night we were studying
and sitting on her bed...

...and her hair brushed my hand...
...and all of a sudden
I noticed how amazing she looked.

Olive skin and these incredible
bee-stung lips and these beautiful....

You know how it is in college.
We experimented.

Yeah, you had a....
Well, good for you, I say.
I'm saying good for you.
I could never tell a straight guy that.
He'd ask creepy questions,
try to weasel out details.

That's weird. That is sick and weird.
Men have these stupid
Penthouse-Spice Channel fantasies...

...about two women together...
:55:37 garter belts, push-up bras
and high heels.

-That's just not how it happens.
-Well, of course not.

What happens is....
It was just different.
She was passionate and sensitive.
Listen to me.
This must be so boring for you.

No, I mean, it's not that boring.
We did one thing
that was like those male fantasies.

You did?
Yeah, it was really....
Oh, I can't even say it.
Sure you can.
We're a couple of girlfriends here.

Come here. I'll whisper it in your ear.
-Hand me my towel, would you?

Turn around.
Man, it's hot in here.
Chicago, I gotta get something
off my chest.

I don't care about your sexual orientation...
...or if you're in the closet,
out of the closet...
