Toy Story 2

- If I had both my arms--
- The fact is, you don't, Woody,

so I suggest
you just wait until morning.

- The cleaner will come, fi x your arm--
- And then I'm outta here!

Oh, no, no.
Bullseye, don't take it that way.

- It's just that Andy--
- Andy, Andy, Andy.

That's all he ever talks about.
[ Sighs ]
Hey, Buzz, can we slow down?
May I remind you that some of us are
carrying over six dollars in change?

Losing health units.
Must rest.

- Is everyone present and accounted for?
- Not quite everyone.

- Who's behind?
- Mine.

Hey, guys.
Why do the toys cross the road?

- Not now, Hamm.
- Oh, I love riddles. Why?

To get to the chicken
on the other side! [ Laughs ]

- [All Whooping]
- [ Rex ] The chicken!

- Oh, well. We tried.
- We'll have to cross.

- What the-- You're not
turning me into a mashed potato.
- [ All Gasping ]

I may not be a smart dog,
but I know what roadkill is.

There must be a safe way.
Here's ourchance. Ready. Set. Go.

[ Whimpering ]
- [ Air Hissing ]
- [Horns Honking]

[ Buzz ] Go!
[ Buzz ] Drop! I said "drop"!
- [ Horns Honking ]
- [ Buzz ] Go!

[ Mumbling ]
