
lt's your fantasy.
Well, in my fantasy,
l take requests.

Get dressed.

Gabriel, you just got music
in your bones.

What's going on?
l need the apartment.
Mark wanted to hear my songs.
:32:30're early.
And...l need the apartment.
She's been in France all summer.
Yeah, and you're early.
And l told you l needed
the apartment tonight.

Can we talk about this
in the bathroom?

What's Trixie doing
on the fire escape?

Please. l only need an hour.
Please, please, please, Rich...
'cause l really, really want
to do this.

l'm really, really into him...
and it's not like l get
to do this very often.

And l slept out in the hall
last night.

Will you--Shh!
What Judy and l have is special.
And l get the impression
that you disrespect...

the love that Judy and l share,
and that hurts.

l expect it from my parents.
They don't know.
But you?

You of all people, l thought
you would understand.

This is really hard for me.
l don't know how to meet people.
l get really weird...
and l make it more important
than it should be.

Can't you do it tomorrow night?
She's been in France all summer.
You can't ask a one-night stand
to come back tomorrow night!

Let's flip for it.
-Yeah, flip.
