Varsity Blues

Never show weakness. The only pain
that matters is the pain you inflict.

Look at Billy Bob.
He's got enough heart for all of you.

Four more games.
Hang in there, you're doing fine.
Tweeder, you got any ?
My knee's killing me.

- 500 mg. How many can I have ?
- Keep them.

I got more at home.
We need more effort. What is this shit ?
I'm not interested in your muscles !

What a fucking asshole, huh ?

I'm getting fucked-up tonight.
There you go. Chug it. What do
you mean, is he a boy or a girl ?

Look at the size of that sausage !
I just got so excited about next year,
Florida State and the future...

I think I need to be your wide receiver.
- Really, babe ? Here ?
- Not here here.

But somewhere here.
- How come you never dress like that ?
- It costs a lot to look that cheap.

- She's pretty sharp. She pulls A's.
- That's not all she pulls.

- I'm just saying she's not stupid.
- You shut up.

She broke my heart
so I broke her jaw...

- When did you graduate ?
- I'm class of 1980.
