Warlock III: The End of Innocence

Where's Mr.Butterfield?
He couldn't stay
He said he needed some air
I didn't see him leave
The storm is terrible
I forgot to ask him about
the letters

Oh yes, he mentioned them
I am sure he'll return
What did he say about them?
The contents were
rather vague

Something about we need a
new mule but a churn
is broken

Those the sort of thing
those poor folks worried

but enough of
ancient history

I really should be going
The storm
Maybe, you can stay just
for lunch or until

the storm let's up
Yes, I suppose it would give
me more time

to see the house and to
get to know you

You could probably tell me
so much about this place

Kris, you didn't have
anything for breakfast

You want me to make
you something?

No, I will take care of it

You'll stay?
We are just going to be
hanging out

I hope it is not boring
I am sure it will be
anything but boring

Quite a girl, isn't she?
You love her, don't you?
You can't hide it
It oozes from you lad
nor should it be hid
A man is never more a man
than when he truly
loves a woman

I could help you win her
