Yi ge dou bu neng shao

Go outside. CIose the door.
Go ahead.
''Our country is a garden
''The IoveIy birds in our garden
''Sing for our country
''Sing for our Ieader Mao
''Make the sky bIue again
''And Iead us to victory''
You sing too softIy.
The first Iine was wrong.

Sing with me:
''Our country is a garden
''Our country is a garden
''The fIowers there are beautifuI
''The fIowers there are beautifuI''
Practice this song...
...and memorise the Iyrics,
then teach them to the students.

-What other songs do you know?

You can't sing one song aII month.
What eIse can you do?
-Can you copy text?

Copy one chapter a day.
Write it out cIearIy.
And write it neatIy.
After you finish, Iet the students copy it.
See that poIe?
Dismiss the cIass
when the sun hits that naiI.

What if there's no sun?
If the weather turns, Iet them go earIy.
But if it rains reaIIy hard,
don't Iet them go.

After a hard rain, that river is deep.
You must see the students home.
What if they finish earIy?
Let them go outside and pIay.
