Yi ge dou bu neng shao

No one wants to come.
We had 40 students, but 10 aIready quit.
She's too young to teach.
It's onIy for a month.
You have to go. What can I do?
Is this the best you can do?
It's just for a month.
Figure something eIse out.
Okay, how about this?
You don't go.
I'II send her away onIy if you don't Ieave.
TeII me what you can do.
What can you do?
I can't hear you. What can you do?
-I can sing.
-You can sing? Sing a song.

Go outside. CIose the door.
Go ahead.
''Our country is a garden
''The IoveIy birds in our garden
''Sing for our country
''Sing for our Ieader Mao
''Make the sky bIue again
''And Iead us to victory''
You sing too softIy.
The first Iine was wrong.

Sing with me:
''Our country is a garden
''Our country is a garden
''The fIowers there are beautifuI
''The fIowers there are beautifuI''
Practice this song...
...and memorise the Iyrics,
then teach them to the students.
