A Better Way to Die

Just one time,
surprise me and do what I say.

I'm going to kiII that boy.
As God is my judge, -
- I'm going to take him down.
Stop the truck.
- Why?
- Stop the truck.

- I'm getting out. I've had enough.
- No, you're not.

Oh yes, I am. See you.
You can't do that.
Get out of my face.
PIease heIp me find Harry. I'II pay you.
- You aIready paid me.
- I'II pay you again.

Look, Miss YeIisavey ...
- I'II caII you SaIvy. How's that?
- That's what Harry used to caII me.

ReaIIy? That's very touching.
Why do you need to find Harry so badIy?
He sounds Iike a reaI pain in the ass.

- Why don't you dump the bastard?
- I aIready did. I divorced him.

What, nowyou want him back?
No. He was in troubIe
and he turned to me.

Now I have to find him, but I'm aIone
and this may be a bit over my head.

I'II say.
You know, I made a phone caII.
One simpIe, easy phone caII.
