A Better Way to Die

- I'II caII you SaIvy. How's that?
- That's what Harry used to caII me.

ReaIIy? That's very touching.
Why do you need to find Harry so badIy?
He sounds Iike a reaI pain in the ass.

- Why don't you dump the bastard?
- I aIready did. I divorced him.

What, nowyou want him back?
No. He was in troubIe
and he turned to me.

Now I have to find him, but I'm aIone
and this may be a bit over my head.

I'II say.
You know, I made a phone caII.
One simpIe, easy phone caII.

Five minutes Iater I've got bIood
aII over my nice new shirt.

Shoot that through the wash.
Give it to Harry
when you find the bastard.

We are not hauIing that thing with us.
He's got a wife waiting for him
down south. That's where I'II bury him.

Yeah, but he's going to stink up my van.
Don't you fuck with me.
Not now.
