American Psycho

Listen,John, I've gotta go.
T. Boone Pickens just walked in.

Just joking. No, don't tip
the owner of the salon.

Okay, John ? Right.
Got it.
Sorry about that.

No, I'm sorry.
I should've made an appointment.

Was that anything important ?
Oh, that ?
Just mulling over business problems,

examining opportunities, exchanging rumors,
spreading gossip.

I'm Donald Kimball.
Hi. Pat Bateman.

Nice to meet you. Sorry to barge
in on you like this.

I know how busy
you guys can get.

So, what's the, uh,
topic of discussion ?

I've been hired
by Meredith Powell...

to investigate the disappearance
of Paul Allen.

I see, yeah.
Paul's disappearance, yeah.

So it's nothing
that official.

- I just have some questions about
Paul Allen and yourself. - Coffee ?

- No, I'm okay.
- Apollinaris ?

No, I'm okay.
Can you bring Mr.--
Kimball. No, I'm okay.
Mr. Kimball a bottle of Apollinaris.

It's no problem.
So, what's the topic
of discussion ?

The disappearance
of Paul Allen.

Uh-huh, right.
Well, I, um, haven't--

I haven't heard anything about
the disappearance or anything.

Not on page six, at least.
- I think his family wants this kept quiet.
- Understandable. Lime ?

- No, really, I'm okay.
- You sure ? I can always get you a lime.

Just some preliminary questions that I need
for my own files, okay ?

Hold old are you ?

Where did you go to school ?

Then Harvard Business School.
Your address ?

The American Gardens Building,
West 81st Street.

- Nice. Very nice.
- Thanks.

What can you tell me about Paul Allen ?
I'm at a loss.

He was part of that whole Yale thing.
"Yale thing" ?

- Yeah, Yale thing.
- What do you mean, "Yale thing" ?
