
They want to increase morphine to 5 ml,
but they still have to ask Schützenberger.

Does it hurt that much?
Paula, I've been dead since Christmas.
They're just torturing me
with the machines...

...that I myself bought as head physician.
Your score in the Robert Koch Contest?
Over 700. Second best result
in the country.

Very good. So? Heidelberg.
-I don't want to leave you alone.
-I don't need a keener.

Nothing could make me happier
than to know...

...that my Paula will be a physician.
Not someone who applies bandages
or a hospital bureaucrat...

...but a true physician. My successor.
I'm so proud of you.
I have to go, Grandpa. Bye.
Would you pull the plug from the socket?
Those red spots are only crab lice.
Don't worry, Nellie.

Dad, this is the chance of a lifetime!
Put some of that on it.
You could be happy for me at least once.
I thought you would help me
in the practice.

That's what you promised me, once.
The course in research with Grombek
I told you about....

If you pass, you can work
in any research centre--

In any elegant private clinic.
The purpose of human suffering
is to make doctors rich and famous.

I just want a top education--
-Kevin has such a terrible cough.
-Nellie, don't touch that!

I want a career,
even if you think it's stupid.

I don't want to end up in such a....
Yes, go on.
At least take the blue one with you.
Maybe you'll go out.
