Auto da Compadecida, O

Major, I'm sorry to bother you.
This is a friend of mine...

from Serra Talhada.
He's a candidate
to court Rosinha.

He must own land or have
a college degree.

He has both land and a degree.
Why haven't you asked him in?
Nice to meet you, Mr...
- Chicó.
- Chicó what?

Francisco Antônio Ronaldo
Ermenegildo de Aragão...

Correia Vaz Pereira Góes.
Chicó is just a nickname.
No wonder, with such a name!
What is your property called?
- What property?
- You see, he's got quite a few.

Dr. Chicó, what about that
farm in Serra Talhada?

- Farm in Serra Talhada?
- Farm in Serra Talhada!

What a nice...
simple name!
Besides being a landowner,
you've got a degree?

He's a lawyer!
Graduated in the capital.

So you know all about laws.
Not everything, really, no.
- He's modest.
- And you want to marry my daughter?

He's so used to German that he
forgets how to speak "Brazilian"!

- Rosinha!
- Yes?

Come and meet a suitor.
- A suitor?
- He came as a candidate...

...but I've promoted him.
- I like somebody else, father.

Who let you?
I didn't mean to,
but now, I can't help it.

- Who is he?
- He's poor, but brave and honest.

Mine wins!
He's rich, schooled,
and speaks German!

- I can't tell my heart what to do!
- But I can.

You have one week
to forget your boy!
