Black and White

I thought you were going to Kim's house.
I thought I was going over
to Kim's house, too. But Rae--

I didn't know that you knew
these people like this.

They were talking about this place,
and I'd never been here.

So I said, "Take me there."
You've never gotten into a cab
and changed your mind? Ever?

She didn't even know.
We would've told you.

You come here
and you're disrespectful to everybody.

Disrespectful? What?
It was a chill, mellow environment
until your ass showed up.

It was cool in here.
We were all relaxing, smoking joints...

...watching television.
-You said you were going to Kim's.
-And then we changed our minds.

-In the middle of the cab drive.
-Why are you here?

Alright, let her chill out.
Help me finish this. Come on.

It's cool.
Everybody's a little crazy right now.

Why do you gotta be getting
involved with my problems?

What do you mean, why I got
to get involved with your problems?

When he's around
you always disrespect me.

So fucking what?
You're always telling me I'm your pussy,
I'm this, I'm that.

You gotta chill on that shit.
-Is that Mike Tyson?
-Yeah, that's Mike Tyson.

-Are you filming everything?
-It's part of the documentary.

-Check the joint out.
-Give me this shit.

Come on, it's part of the documentary.
I'm not doing anything bad with it.

Okay, this is me.
-This is what I look like.
-Yeah, I can see you right there.

-Is that really Mike Tyson?
-Yeah, that's Mike Tyson.

-Women in the Palaeolithic Era.
-The Golden Age.

Yeah. Goddesses.
-They ruled.
-No one understood procreation.

How would anybody know
without being told?

-People just go on being naive and angry.
-It makes perfect sense.

-We didn't go to the bookstore.
-We'll do it tomorrow.

-Keep well.
-You too. Bye.

Did you know that women
in the Palaeolithic Era were like....
