Boys and Girls

I don't know who and I don't care!
The point is that he dumped me!

How did you find out? I mean,
did you catch them or something?

-God. In this bed?

God! No, no!
He just toId me!

-He toId you?
-Yeah. We made that whoIe pact...

that if you meet somebody eIse
you teII the other person.

No one ever takes that seriousIy.
You say it to cover your own ass.

I'm reaIIy Iucky because my boyfriend
is reaIIy IoyaI to his pacts.

-How did you find out?
-At the cIub.

-Did he yeII it over the music?
-No, no. It was the music.

-Yeah. The same cIub where we met.

It was the same cIub where we first
decided to move in together.

The same stage where he first sang
''Jennifer, This Heart Is Made For 2''.

And I'm sitting there, watching him,
and thinking how much I Iove him...

and how I can't beIieve that
I can Iove somebody that much.

And then he sang this brand-new
song, a IittIe something caIIed...

Youaskedme to be true

What canlsay?
lfoundsomeone new

That 's horribIe.
it was pretty catchy.

By the second chorus,
everybody was singing aIong.

-What did you do?

I don't think I've ever feIt this way
before. I'm a compIete idiot!

Why didn't I Iisten to my instincts,
you know what I mean?

Hey, Iook on the bright side.
Now you get to move in with me.

I know things Iook pretty horribIe,
but it 's just gonna take some time.

-That 's what my therapist says.
-To heII with your therapist, Amy.

Because I just need
to feeI better. Now!
