Boys and Girls

And then he sang this brand-new
song, a IittIe something caIIed...

Youaskedme to be true

What canlsay?
lfoundsomeone new

That 's horribIe.
it was pretty catchy.

By the second chorus,
everybody was singing aIong.

-What did you do?

I don't think I've ever feIt this way
before. I'm a compIete idiot!

Why didn't I Iisten to my instincts,
you know what I mean?

Hey, Iook on the bright side.
Now you get to move in with me.

I know things Iook pretty horribIe,
but it 's just gonna take some time.

-That 's what my therapist says.
-To heII with your therapist, Amy.

Because I just need
to feeI better. Now!

''Doo doo be doo'' my ass!
It 's tough out there, man.
You don't know how Iucky you are.

-Betty and I broke up.

-You're kidding. When?
-A coupIe of days ago.

-Why didn't you teII me?
-I don't know.

I guess it 's just now
kindasinking in.

This is great news.
Now you and ''me'' can hit the circuit.

-''You and I''.

-I don't think so.
-No, beIieve me.

It 's way easier with two of us.
You pretend to be my idiot cousin.

AII of asudden, I'm sensitive.
You get drunk, come out too strong...

I beat the shit out of you,
I'm masculine.

-I don't think I'm ready for that.
-We couId trade off.

-You can hit me first if you want.
-It was two days ago.

-I think I need a IittIe time.
-I'm sorry. You're hurting.

-Let 's get drunk and see strippers.
-I'm not that hurt!

-I'm fine.

Breaking up was the right thing
to do. We were just...

going in different directions.
