Boys and Girls

-You think we can stiII be friends?
-I don't know. He seemed shook up.

-Poor guy.
-Wanna hear the weird part?

-I kinda know him.
-You do?

Yeah, we run into each other
once in awhiIe.

Do you think I did the right thing
in having you break up with him?

-I don't know.
-I do.

It was just putting
too much pressure on me.

-Yeah, I can see that.
-But maybe that 's what I need.

What if that 's him?
My God, you're crying!
He's crying!

Why are you doing this to me?
It 's over. Do you understand me?

Ryan? Ryan! It 's not so bad.
PeopIe break up aII the time.

I can't see!
I think I'm bIind!
Nice patch.
-Thanks. You didn't have to wait.
-I'm not waiting.

Can't a girI enjoy a IoIIipop in
front of the Free HeaIth Center?

Who also feels maybe
a little bit responsibIe.

You didn't do anything.
I didn't put the Icy BaIm in your
eye, but I did break up with you.


-Where are you going?
-For awaIk.

-Try to forget today ever happened.
-Can I come?

What for?
Can't a girI enjoy awaIk
with her ex-boyfriend?
