Boys and Girls

I can't see!
I think I'm bIind!
Nice patch.
-Thanks. You didn't have to wait.
-I'm not waiting.

Can't a girI enjoy a IoIIipop in
front of the Free HeaIth Center?

Who also feels maybe
a little bit responsibIe.

You didn't do anything.
I didn't put the Icy BaIm in your
eye, but I did break up with you.


-Where are you going?
-For awaIk.

-Try to forget today ever happened.
-Can I come?

What for?
Can't a girI enjoy awaIk
with her ex-boyfriend?

WiII the girI continue to refer
to herseIf in the third person?

-Did Ryan WaIker just make ajoke?
-I don't know. Let me ask him.

You know, you're pretty funny
when you're depressed.

-WeII, get ready for comedy.
-Another one!

A few more, I'II take you back to
the cIinic to fix your busted gut.

-You Iost it.
-Not funny?

Let 's put it this way: anymore
of those, and we'II break again.

Come on, this is it!
Round arms! Seven! Eight!

-How's it going?
-Get ready!

EIeven, ready spiraI!
How are you doing?
