Chain of Fools

I'm going to make a phone caII
with my good ear...

...but be back by the time I'm done. Go!
BoIIingsworth, Avnet here.
WiII you put the scissors down?
You're making me nervous.

Divorce? It sounds so...
...finaI. Can we at Ieast taIk about this?
What's the point? I'm reaIIy sick of you.
It puts a damper on our reIationship.

But what about the reconciIiation
that our counseIor was taIking about?

Fuck reconciIiation.
It might interest you to know
I'm going to ItaIy with our counseIor.

You're sIeeping with Dr. Kenny?
I Iike to think of it as therapy.
Dave needs one of these piIIs twice a day
or he wiII bIoat up and die.

And, Kresk, try not to fuck this up". Ciao."
Dr. Kenny?
I'II maiI the Ietter, go back to my pIace
and get those Shiny New Enemies.

Then I'm going to surprise my Iady
with the good news.

Then we're going to France to see
how the European papers cover your triaI.

Goodbye, BoIIingsworth, oId man.
You IittIe eavesdropper.
I see what you're doing. You're Iistening.
I didn't hear anything about those"...."
Wow, this isn't your Iucky day, barber.
Your wife is Ieaving you and...
...I'm kiIIing you.
I'm not going to teII anybody.
I know that, but I must teII you one thing
before I kiII you.

I've never met a worse barber in my Iife.
By kiIIing you,
I'm doing '"'"barberism'"'" a huge favor.
