Coyote Ugly

And I really am a tease.
Cammie, you can only be a tease
ifyou stop sleepin' around, babe.

Yeah. I keep forgetting that part.
I'll have a shot oftequila, and don't
forget one foryour pretty little self.

Oh, thanks, but ever since
I got really drunk on tequila,
I never drink the stuff anymore.

Hey, Lil! Yournewgirl's refusing

No! I was-- I was suggesting
this gentleman buy me a double.

That's more likeit.
- Whoa!
- I need eight shots.

Four Canadian, four South
ofthe Border, six-pack MGD
and a double-blended back.

- You want eight shots ofwhat?
- I got it.

Forty-six even, honey.
Hey, Lil! Yo!
YourJersey girl
can't quite keep up.

Hey, gimme
aScotch andwater.

- Okay, you got it.
- Lil, do we serve water
with ourwhiskey?

Onlywater I serve's got
barley and hops in it!

Hey, evetybody!
Do we serve water in this bar?

[ Crowd Chanting ]
Hell, no. H2O! Hell, no. H2O!

[ Chanting Continues ]
Hell no, H2O!

[ Hooting ]
Sink orswim time,Jersey.
Getup there!

// The devil's in thehouse

I can't do that dance.
// Granny, doesyour dog bite
No, child, no//

- Here's some cash.
You did okay for a nun.
- You're fi ring me?

I toldyou this was anaudition.
Thanks forcomin'in.
Now, getoutta here.

Devil,justcome onback
ifyouever wanna tryagain//
