
Youjust keepyour head down,
and you mind what Kron tells you.

Since when do we take orders
from the likes ofhim?

[ Chuckles ] Kron has swatted flies
bigger than you, pops.

I could hold that monster's brain
in the palm ofmy--

No, Yar, she's right.
Bettertokeep ourheads down
with this bunch...

- than get 'em
bitten off by those things.
- [ Chittering ]

Well, youjust consideryourselflucky
that's all that's following us.

[ All Snarling, Chittering ]
[ Bellows ]
- [ Snoring ]
- Hey, wake up.

- Enough with the beauty sleep.
You're ravishing already.
- [ Groans ]

Hey! Hello!
Anybody in there?

- [ Gasping ]
Zini, what areyou doing?
- [ Cries Out ]

I believeyou left a wake-up call
for the dawn oftime.

- Come on! Move it!
- What's the hurry?

[ Zini ] Something's up.
The herd's gathering without us.
Let's check it out.

Kronsays everybodygoes.

- [ Scattered Groaning ]
- Come on. Get up. On your feet.

Huh. The charm
never stops around here.

[ Growls ]
You say something?

Uh, no-- no, sir.
Unless you got a death wish,
you and that little parasite
better get moving! [ Snarls ]

Sheesh, is that guy ugly orwhat?
Hey, hey, hey,
there's your girlfriend.

- What areyou talkin' about?
- You know what
I'm talkin' about: Neera.

Scalyskin. Yelloweyes. Big ankles.
Yeah, I made a real impression
on her. [ Snorts ]
