Eu Tu Eles

We're the ones
who should be in the field.

She doesn't mind,
a strong squaw like that.

The work does her good.
Now they're back working the fields.
I should sign up.

It's not right,
me being a burden to her.

She doesn't mind.
And this house is mine.

Did you know I was the one
who cooked at your mother's house?

Look, Raquel is my sister,
but I won't stand up for her.

She was always damned lazy.
She never even gave Zuza a kid,
did she?

Then she even had the nerve
to say that you and she...

living alone without the mother
would raise suspicions!

As if anyone could even
look twice at her.

If Zuza did,
it was only out of charity.

She sure is ugly,
that sister of yours, cousin.

Was she always?
She was born ugly.
If you like...
I can cook for us.
Sounds good.
Great idea.
Because Darlene's food stinks.
I only eat it
because I have no choice.

That's settled, then.
