l'm not gonna do anything
to your car, man.
l'm sorry?
You look worried,
like l'll do something.
No, l worry about this car
everywhere, not just here.
-Don't take it personally.
-lt's just a car.
No, it's not just a car. lt's a BMW.
Those who know anything
about that company...
...know that it's more
than just a car.
Oh, those who know. So l wouldn't
know anything like that, right?
No, that's not what l meant.
Last thing l knew about BMW...
...is, they made plane engines
when they first started.
A guy by the name of Franz Popp
started it all.
Franz Popp. l like that name.
Made this one engine before 1 920.
lt flew six miles up.
Well, Popp and his boys were
just getting started, man.
Made this one engine,
the 801 , World War ll...
...14 cylinders,
2300 horsepower, seven miles up.
With more time, they would have
bombed the shit out of England...
...and maybe even won the war.
That's where this comes from.
White propeller zipping
around a blue sky.
After the war, they couldn't
make plane engines anymore.
And that's when BMW gave some
serious thought to making cars.
Kind of like this one.
But you probably knew all that,
since you lease one.
Thanks for the history lesson.
No problem, man.