Finding Forrester

Allez ! Je sais que vous êtes là.
Vire ta main de ma porte.
Je suis venu
déposer ce truc que vous m'avez demandé.
Quel truc ?
Les 5 000 mots...
Pourquoi je dois plus venir.

C'est à peu prés ce que vous avez dit.
Essaie de te rappeler
exactement ce que j'ai dit.

:24:01 put it mildly,
caught our attention.

l'm here to see if you'd be
interested in attending our school.

Jamal, we know leaving
for another school...

...especially a private school,
is not gonna be easy.

But this isn't the right place
for you anymore.

Jamal, it's not a difficult choice.
Mr. Bradley...
...there's no way
that we could pay for this.

We're not asking you to.
When Dr. Simon said,
''Only the best go to Mailor''...

...he neglected to mention...
...that our excellence extends beyond
the classroom.

l figured that.
We thought you might.
Mrs. Wallace, about 40 of our students
have gone on to play college ball.

Three have made it
to the professional level.

We evaluated your play last year.
While this is strictly
an academic offer...

...we won't be disappointed
if you choose to play.

All we ask is you come out for a
few days, take a look, think it over.
