Gone in 60 Seconds

He told me something about Kip.
Can I help you with one of these?
Okay. That's yours.
Tell Castlebeck he's not gonna believe
who just walked into the Quality Café.

I can't say I'm surprised.
All his life he looked up to you,
tried to be you.

I guess now he is.
So why is this happening?
I send you guys money.

He-- He met some people,
and he changed.

He lost that-- that s-sweetness.
You know?

Okay, tell me.
- How deep in is he?
- Deep.

Can you get him out?
It means doing things.
Things I told you
I'd never do again.

Do what it takes, Randall.
- When did you get into town, Raines?
- Last night.

- Last night? What for?
- I thought I'd catch a Lakers game.

Heard we got Shaquille.
Guys wanna go?

- Guess not.
- Randall, Randall, Randall. Come here.

I get this call from this uniform,
you know.

Axton. Very nice man.
Remembers everything.

This man calls me up, says,
"Guess who's back in town?"

I say, "Who?"
He says, "Randall Raines."

I say, "Randall Raines, the car thief? "
He says, "Yeah."

I say, "Impossible."
He says, "No, he's back."

I say, "No, he's not."
He says, "Yes, I will bet you $200
I just saw Randall Raines."

- You guys said a lot. Look, Detective--
- No, w-w-whoa, whoa.

What's really,
really ironic about this--

Two nights ago we snare these 13
fresh stolens waiting for export, right?

And at the time I'm thinking,
"This feels like Randall Raines."
