Gone in 60 Seconds

- When did you get into town, Raines?
- Last night.

- Last night? What for?
- I thought I'd catch a Lakers game.

Heard we got Shaquille.
Guys wanna go?

- Guess not.
- Randall, Randall, Randall. Come here.

I get this call from this uniform,
you know.

Axton. Very nice man.
Remembers everything.

This man calls me up, says,
"Guess who's back in town?"

I say, "Who?"
He says, "Randall Raines."

I say, "Randall Raines, the car thief? "
He says, "Yeah."

I say, "Impossible."
He says, "No, he's back."

I say, "No, he's not."
He says, "Yes, I will bet you $200
I just saw Randall Raines."

- You guys said a lot. Look, Detective--
- No, w-w-whoa, whoa.

What's really,
really ironic about this--

Two nights ago we snare these 13
fresh stolens waiting for export, right?

And at the time I'm thinking,
"This feels like Randall Raines."

Now, it didn't have your panache,
your, uh, flash...

but it just felt like Randall Raines.
And now here you are.
Look, I don't know what you boys are
looking for, but I just got back. Okay?

It was a family emergency.
Now, that's the truth.

"Family emergency." Yeah, I got
a family emergency too, Randall.

I gotta go tell my woman
that I just lost $200 on a stupid deal.

- Mmm, she's mean.
- What?

She can be mean to m--
It's not so--

Come here. Come here, Randall.
Take those glasses off, man, please.
Do me a favour.

Six years ago you make
a real smart move, you know.

You retire from a life
that's gonna get you busted or killed,
or maybe even both.

And I'm thinkin' that not putting you
away when I had a chance...

is like this big bug up the ass of this
real impressive career that I've had.

Oh, yeah, well, without disappointment,
you can't appreciate victory.

- Eleanor tell you that?
- Well, now, that's hittin'
below the belt.
