Harry, un ami qui vous veut du bien

It seems huge to you, but
relativeIy, it's nothing to me.

People don't give
and receive cars like that!

It's no use arguing.
You don't like 4x4s?
Let's go.
My frozen food is melting.

They're useful in winter.
Doesn't MicheI like 4x4s?
He hates them.
He thinks they're vulgar.

Like it?
Your new car.
It's your new car!
Whose joke is this?
Not mine.
I tried to dissuade him.

It isn't a joke.
-Is Plum up?
-She's in the shower.

It's a joy to drive.
Even nicer than I thought.

Where's the catch?
No catch.
I felt like buying you a car.

What for?
To replace your old one.
Claire said you don't like 4x4s.
You'll soon get over that.

You've got to be joking.
You know what these things cost?

It's grotesque.
I don'twant it.

You think it's vulgar?
That's not the point,
but yes, I do.

It's not vulgar.
It's a family car.

-Why did you let him?
-I didn't!

Look, baby!
Michel and Claire's new car.
