Harte Jungs

then I'd be really
worried about you, Fly.

Yeah, but
he's totally driving me
bughouse, dude.

I mean how can I get him to shut up?
Why rock the boat?
Just let him talk.

Like kids my age I go to school.
And like most kids
my age I have no choice.

But my friends and
I make the best of it.

What's up with you guys?
Nothing much. Only...
Fly's pecker has been
talking to him.

Hey! Wait a minute...!
Entire sentences?
How come you had to go
and broadcast it to everyone?

What does he say to you?
Stuff... I don't know.
I guess mostly he gives me advice.
Is he good at math?
I could use some help
with my homework.

Awesome, dude.
My banana doesn't speak to me.

That's because you don't have one.
It's understandable.

Sshh, can it Sean.
We have a 'babe-alert'

Oh, my God!
She's a bomb!
My sister said Leone slept
with the entire football team.

You bitch.
I'm going to sign up for football.
At that second it struck me
like a flash of lightning.

This was that special girl
mom was talking about.

There's our flowerpot.
Leone... even her name
sounded like sweet music.

