High Fidelity

Just open the fucking door!

Look, let´s talk it... Char...
And then I lost it.
Kinda lost it all, you know?
Faith, dignity, about 1 5 pounds.
When I came to a few months later...
l found, to my surprise,
l had flunked out ofschool.

l started working in a record shop.
Some people never got over' Nam or
the night their band opened for Nirvana.

l guess I never really
got over Charlie.

But the thing I learned
from the whole Charlie debacle
is that you gotta punch your weight.

See, Charlie, she´s out of my class.
She´s too pretty, too smart,
too witty, too much.

l mean, what am l?
I'm a middleweight.

Hey, I'm not
the smartest guy in the world,
but I'm certainly not the dumbest.

l mean, I've read books like
The Unbearable Lightness ofBeing...

and Love in the Time ofCholera and,
uh... and I think I've understood them.

l mean, they´re about girls, right?
Just kidding.

But I have to say...
my all-time favourite book is
Johnny Cash´s autobiography,
Cash byJohnny Cash.

- Championship.
- Hi.

Um, I was thinking...
l could come by the house
and pick up some stuff while
you´re at work tomorrow.

While I'm at work.
While I'm at work.
