How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Inside a snowflake,
like the one on yoursleeve...

...there happened a story
you mustsee to believe.

Way up in the mountains,
in the high range of Pontoos...

...lay the small town of Whoville:
The home of the Whos.
Ask any Who, and they'll have this to say:
''There is no place like Whoville
around Christmas Day.''

Every window was flocked,
every lamppost was dressed...

...and the Whoville band marched
in their Christmasy best.

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Arbor Day was fine,
and Easter was pleasant...

...and every Saint Fizzin's day,
they ate a Fizz pheasant.

But every Who knew,
from their twelve toes to theirsnout...

...they loved Christmas the most,
without a single Who doubt.

-Farfingle's welcomes you!
-Thank you.

Merry Christmas!
Thank you for shopping Farfingle's!

We got a snoozlephone
for your brother Drew...

...and a snoozlephone for your brother Stu,
a muncle for your uncle...

...a fant for your aunt
and a fandpa for your cousin Leon.

So, we just need.... Cindy?
Sale on Aisle 3!
-Cindy Lou!
-Merry Christmas.

Hello, Myrna. Merry Christmas, Fred.
Excuse me.

Cindy Lou? Honey?
