How the Grinch Stole Christmas

The unmitigated gall!
You called down the thunder...
:38:05, get ready for the boom!
Gaze into the face of fear!
Mr. Grinch...
:38:17 name is Cindy Lou Who.
You see?
Even now the terror
is welling up inside you.

l'm not scared.
Denial is to be expected
in the face of pure evil.

l don't think so.
Another unmistakable sign
of the heebie-jeebies!

Now you're doomed!
Run for your life...
...before l kill again!
l'm a psycho!
Danger! Danger!
Maybe you need a time-out.
Kids today.
So desensitized by movies and television.
What do you want?
Mr. Grinch, l came to invite you...
:39:34 be holiday cheermeister.
-''Holiday Whobie-what-y''?

''Cheermeister. Celebrate with friends.''
That's a good one.
l know you hate Christmas,
but what if it's all just a misunderstanding?

-Don't care.
-l myself am having some Yuletide doubts.

But maybe if you reunite
with the Whos and be a part of Christmas--
