How the Grinch Stole Christmas

l'm a psycho!
Danger! Danger!
Maybe you need a time-out.
Kids today.
So desensitized by movies and television.
What do you want?
Mr. Grinch, l came to invite you...
:39:34 be holiday cheermeister.
-''Holiday Whobie-what-y''?

''Cheermeister. Celebrate with friends.''
That's a good one.
l know you hate Christmas,
but what if it's all just a misunderstanding?

-Don't care.
-l myself am having some Yuletide doubts.

But maybe if you reunite
with the Whos and be a part of Christmas--

''Maybe if you reunite with the Whos
and be a part of Christmas.''

Grow up!
Then maybe it'll be all right for me, too!
l'm sorry, your session is over.
Please make another appointment
with the receptionist on the way out.

Please, please.
You have to accept the award.

You never mentioned an award!
Yeah, with a trophy and everything.
-And l won?
-You won!

-That means there were losers.
-l guess.

-So, if you come--
-A town full of losers!

l like it.
Was anyone emotionally shattered?
Come on, a minute ago
l couldn't shut you up! Details, details!

The Mayor wasn't happy.
Oh, no.
Martha May will be there.
She will?
