Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

He insisted that the province...
...which was home
to over three million ethnic Germans ...

:13:06 allowed to secede and join the Reich.
On October 1,
with international agreement...

...German troops
marched into Sudetenland...

...adding one-fifth of Czechoslovakia
to the Reich...

...and opening the way
for further dismemberment of the country.

From then on, people were wondering...
...what would happen next.
Father was an optimist because...
...he did business with people in France
who wrote and said:

´´lt´s going to be bad, get out. ´´
But for Father, no,
things Iike that wouIdn´t happen.

He had a greater faith in mankind.
He used to say that he wouId rather
trust peopIe and be disappointed...

...than go through Iife
not trusting anybody.

Less than half a year later...
...Hitler would destroy the Czech state.
But now, the Nazis continued
their persecution of the Jews.

ln November,
they orchestrated a vicious pogrom...

...which they later called KristaIInacht:
´´The Night of Broken Glass. ´´
l had had a strange dream in the night...
...that my father was being arrested.
Our evening meaI that evening...
...was the Iast meaI
I ever remember having with my father.

I Iooked at him...
...and l thought, well, l hadn´t really...
...seen his features properly.
You know
how you Iook at somebody intenseIy?

And something toId me...
...that I must imprint
that image of him in my mind.

Before l went to bed...
:14:53 father, in a rather stern voice,
said to me:

"´If you hear any strange noises
during the night...

"´...immediateIy get out of bed...
