Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

But now, the Nazis continued
their persecution of the Jews.

ln November,
they orchestrated a vicious pogrom...

...which they later called KristaIInacht:
´´The Night of Broken Glass. ´´
l had had a strange dream in the night...
...that my father was being arrested.
Our evening meaI that evening...
...was the Iast meaI
I ever remember having with my father.

I Iooked at him...
...and l thought, well, l hadn´t really...
...seen his features properly.
You know
how you Iook at somebody intenseIy?

And something toId me...
...that I must imprint
that image of him in my mind.

Before l went to bed...
:14:53 father, in a rather stern voice,
said to me:

"´If you hear any strange noises
during the night...

"´...immediateIy get out of bed...
´´...and go into that wardrobe
in the hallway. ´´

And l said, ´´l don´t understand. ´´
And quite differently than my father...
...wouId normaIIy answer my questions,
he said:

"´Don´t ask any questions,
just do as you´re toId."´

l was woken up at 2:00 a.m.
Terrible banging on the door.
There were two...
...Nazis at the door...
...shouting, "´You´re aII under arrest!
Put some cIothes on and come with us! "´

l remember that it was a very cold...
...very dark night. We all went off...
:15:42 an assembly point,
which was like a big square.

And there were just...
...thousands of other Jews.
And l mean thousands.
And there were people l knew
and people l didn´t know.

And people getting beaten up.
And people crying.
