Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

A week or two after that...
:25:04 parents decided my sister couId go.
Now both of us wouId go.
That must have been very hard.
That wouId have been hard to decide
that we wouId both go.

We had about a fortnight before we left.
lnto that fortnight,
both Mother and Father...

...were trying to give their instructions
and guidance...

...that they hoped
to have their whole lives to give.

My bar mitzvah was
a month after ´´Crystal Night. ´´

lt was held in an attic.
My father was not there,
he was still in a concentration camp.

lt was just my mother.
l felt terrible.
There was no ceIebration afterwards.
There was nothing.

You read your part from the Torah, and...
:26:01 did your haftorah
and you were finished.

And we were Iucky that a minyan...
...showed up aItogether.
l certainly felt...
...that the sooner we left Germany...
...the better off we would be.
My housemother wrote...
:26:24 Baron James de Rothschild...
...asking if he would take...
...24 of her boys...
...her husband, herself...
...and her two daughters.
And he wrote back in January that...
...he wouId.
We thought of England...
:26:55 a land of lords and ladies because...
...of the King and Queen,
and the two little princesses...
