Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

:26:01 did your haftorah
and you were finished.

And we were Iucky that a minyan...
...showed up aItogether.
l certainly felt...
...that the sooner we left Germany...
...the better off we would be.
My housemother wrote...
:26:24 Baron James de Rothschild...
...asking if he would take...
...24 of her boys...
...her husband, herself...
...and her two daughters.
And he wrote back in January that...
...he wouId.
We thought of England...
:26:55 a land of lords and ladies because...
...of the King and Queen,
and the two little princesses...

...appealed to us very much.
We saw their pictures in the newspapers.

The coronation with their ermine clothes
and crowns on their heads.

And we reaIIy thought that in EngIand
that´s how peopIe dressed.

Perhaps not every day,
but sometimes on Sundays.

So that was our expectation of EngIand.
I was toId this was the best thing
that couId happen, and I was so Iucky...

...because everybody around me
was trying to find pIaces...

...for their chiIdren.
And, suddenIy, out of the bIue...
...I had a chance to come to EngIand.
How lucky can l be?
My parents said
l´d be able to go back to school...

...l will learn another language...
...l will live in London,
l will be able to travel on the subway....

And painted a beautiful picture.
And added, again and again:
´´And we´ll follow soon. ´´
