Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

I watched their faces.
Tears were streaming down their faces...

...down their cheeks.
And I knew then...
...these peopIe reaIIy Iove me.
This is why they´re sending me away.
l immediately started to write
to my parents.

And l apologized
for what l had said to them...

...that they were trying to get rid of me.
ln no time...
...the suitcase was gone.
The child was gone.
The other children were gone.

Just emptiness.
Then we turned around and went home.
I did not taIk.
It was awfuI.
The children went with the hope
that the parents would follow, or that...

:39:08 day they could come back
and see them again.

l did not realize...
...and l could never have realized...
...that only a year and a half later...
...from the same raiIway station...
...trains wouId go in the other direction...
:39:25 HitIer´s sIaughterhouses.
