Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

l came to the London station...
...and she picked me up
and took me where she was working.

Then I stayed in this very coId...
...fancy house in EngIand...
...where they were expIoiting
the European maids.

And, of course,
if you´ve ever been the chiId of a maid...

:55:18 know maids
aren´t supposed to have chiIdren.

They´re not weIcome. You can´t stay there.
l don´t know how the decision was made,
but l was to be sent to Belfast...

:55:28 the Jewish refugee hostel in Belfast.
When you see your life has been saved
and you´re brought into a hostel...

...which is clean...
...and there is food there...
...and other children there,
how could you not be happy in that place?

But, to me...
:55:46 smeIIed of orphanage,
which, in due course, it became.

And orphanages...
...those things frighten
every chiId out of its wits.

I mean, CharIes Dickens...
:55:56 be in a workhouse, to be an orphan.
My first impression of Waddesdon Manor
was like a dream...

:56:08 a castle l´ve seen in pictures...
...but never in person.
The Cedars was a servants´ house.
Twenty-six of us lived in The Cedars.
The first thing we did
was throw a soccer ball on the lawn...

...and kicked it around.
The local boys wanted to see what was,
all of a sudden...

...being brought into their little village.
When it was time for dinner...
...they said:
"´We´II see you tomorrow."´
I was so excited.
I was absoIuteIy so exuberant.
I ran to my housemother...
...and toId her:
"´Somebody who´s not Jewish
wants to see me tomorrow."´
