Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

My first impression of Waddesdon Manor
was like a dream...

:56:08 a castle l´ve seen in pictures...
...but never in person.
The Cedars was a servants´ house.
Twenty-six of us lived in The Cedars.
The first thing we did
was throw a soccer ball on the lawn...

...and kicked it around.
The local boys wanted to see what was,
all of a sudden...

...being brought into their little village.
When it was time for dinner...
...they said:
"´We´II see you tomorrow."´
I was so excited.
I was absoIuteIy so exuberant.
I ran to my housemother...
...and toId her:
"´Somebody who´s not Jewish
wants to see me tomorrow."´

We did start going to school there.
lt was marvelous.
l never realized
what school was really like.

That you couId participate.
And I did enjoy going to schooI.
And the wonderfuI part about it
was that it had a Iibrary.

l waded through that library...
...and that´s how l learned
to speak English.

Through that
I got a Iove of EngIish Iiterature.

But aItogether...
:57:32 was a wonderfuI experience,
and the chiIdren were so friendIy to us.

l knew that l was going...
:57:40 a school near Bournemouth in Dorset.
lt was the headmistress of the school
who guaranteed...

:57:47 look after me.
When l arrived at the school,
it was all these girls...

...who were very polite...
...and very nice, very kind.
I couIdn´t understand a word they said.
I was given my bed.
