La Bouteille

I divorce girls like that one
on the poster.

Colleen Baxer, "DOGS IN L.A."?
I divorced her.

$250,000 in commission in my pocket.
-And a real slut.
-François... fuck!

I swear.
A real slut.
-You got any imported beer?

Give me a Corona.
Or a Black,
I'm not a racist.

So what brings you guys here?
July 15th 2000...
is when we promised to meet,
15 years ago. And we're here.

Another Y2K story.
It's Réal's birthday!
He's 33!

Christ's age!
Come here, let me kiss you.

How about that... love birds.
Who's the handsome lunch...
wasting his money
on booze for the guys?

François Lachance.
-And you?

-You want to feel?
-You bet.

Not bad.
Not bad... sexy.
-You lose, you pay.

He loses, he pays the round.
That's the rule.
Count your pennies,
the next one's on you.

You all knew about it,
you bastards.

She hates losing.
She chooses her men.

-She didn't miss you.
-Oh no!

To your health, my man.
Don't worry...
we didn't come for nothing.
