La Virgen de los sicarios

We'II stare at that waII
and Iisten to the siIence.

If they'd Iet peopIe work here,
I'd heIp you start a business.

But they don't.
With all the red tape and taxes,
you go bankrupt.

The workers don't work either.
The boss does all the work.

Never give
your fellow man a job, kid.

Let his damn mother give him one!
What do we do now?
I don't know.
Go back out again.
Put two poor wretches together,
in 15 minutes they'II breed

10 more poor wretches.
I hate poverty.
The way to get rid of it,
is to get rid of those

who spread it.
Look! The punk!
They did it!
He's dead.
A ridiculous remark, lady!
Like something
out of a Mexican movie!

Who killed him?
Who? Those bikers!
Didn't you see them?

I fixed him!
He's a stiff, good for a box.
My God, what did you do?
He had it coming.
Killing that poor boy
for no reason!
