Lista de espera

or by train, that's even worse.
Did you like it?
More or less.

I want especially fresh water.
That's right, fresh water!
We go see what we could do.
I will surprise you.
I took 4 times
and I'm still hungry.

Me too,
I still die of hunger.

Without meat,
it's as if I haven't eaten anything.

My trick is the meat...
That will be rotten.
Vladimir !
What's the matter?
- Whom are you calling?
- My son.

- What's the matter with him?
- I looked for him everywhere.

What's happening?
Has anyone seen my son?
I saw him here, one minute ago.
Wasn't he in the lounge?
When I left, he was sleeping.
And he's not anymore.
Have you searched in the toilettes?
Yes, and in the office, and...
Maybe he's playing hide and seek!
He is too small.
He barely walks.

Let's stop talking,
let's search him.

Calm down.
