
What is this shit?
I don´t know...
At least it looks like coffee.

Sure, and I look like
Vittorio De Sica.

Everything they give us is terrible!
Look at these pockets.
They´re always ripping open!

This cheap thread
doesn´t hold the stitches!

The thread isn´t the problem!
While our son recites poetry,
his hands go to work in his pockets!

What does that mean?
Do you get it now?
Just as well! Don´t fix them,
sew the pockets closed!

But he´lI have no pockets?
He´ll work it out.
lt will be good for his health!

Lights out!
´´...that the weary spirit may ne´re
repose in more restful harbor...´´

-Has he gone crazy?
-I think he´s gone blind.

´´While upon women´s work
you sat intent,

content with the vague future
you held in mind.

lt was the scented May and thus
you used to spend your days.´´

Good morning, professor.
This letter is for you.
lt says ´´urgent.´´
Siqua recordenti
benefacto priora voluptas

est nomini cum
se cogitat esse pium...

´´You´re dishonored. Your daughter Malena
is sleeping with the whole town. A friend.´´
