Meet the Parents

Your what?
I told your dad
I wouldn't touch you
for 72 hours.

Okay, I'm not in junior high
anymore, so--
No, no, no.

Seriously. I want to try
to respect his rules, okay?

Okay. Fine.
Uh, why don't you go ahead
and get some sleep,
and I'll see you in the morning.

- Morning, Greg.
- Good morning.

Pam told me she let you in
on a little secret of mine
last night.

Yes, she did.
Well, as long as
you can keep your mouth shut
for the rest of your life,

you're in no immediate danger.
I won't tell.
I'm just being humorous.
Huh. That was funny.
But the fact is, Greg,
with the knowledge
you've been given,

you are now on the inside
of what I like to call...

"the Byrnes family
circle of trust."

I keep nothing from you,
you keep nothing from me...

and round and round we go.

Okay, good. Come on.
Let's go inside
and have breakfast.

[Chatter, Laughter]
Jinxy cat, Jinxy cat
where are you

I love you
Jinxy. Jinxy.
Not at the table,
honey, please.

- Attaboy!
- Hey, hey, look who's up!

Hi, sweetie.
You must be Greg.

- Hello.
- Oh, look, somebody had a visit
from the hair fairy.

Oh, yes.
Nice 'do, nice 'do.

I'll do the intros.
Greg, this is my sister,

Nice to meet you.
Oh, the bride to be.

- Congratulations.
- And her fianc? Dr. Bob.
