Meet the Parents

Yeah, kind of
blend in.

Are you a homeowner, Greg?
No, no, I rent.

So, things are going real,
real well for you,
aren't they, eh, Kevo?

Gosh, things have been going
so great lately.

I got in early on some
wireless I.P.O.s, and the stuff
just skyrocketed from there.

- Wow.
- What about you, Greg?
What line of work are you in?

- I'm in health care.
- Yeah, so you know
what I'm talking about.

There are a lot
of Benjamins to be made now
with biotech stuff.

I don't have to tell you that.
How's your portfolio?

I'd say strong...
to quite strong.
You gotta strike
while the iron's hot.

Now's the time.
- Greg's a male nurse.
- That's right.
Thank you, Jack.

Well, that's great.

That's great to give something
back like that. I'd love to
find time to do volunteer work.

Just the other day I saw
this golden retriever that--

He had like a gimp,
and he couldn't really--

It made me feel terrible.
I wish there was something
I could do.

Yeah, well, I get paid,
but also it feels,
you know, good too.

So it's kind of
an everybody wins.

What are you--
You're like
a Wall Street trader?

An investment guy?
No. I mean, I'm willing
to be painted with that brush.

Yes, that's my day job.
We have time?
We got time,
don't we, Jack?

I want to show you what
I'm really interested in.
Come on. Let's go.

Wow! It looks like
somebody got an "A"
in wood shop.

[Pam, Kevin Laughing]
Yeah, it's always been
kind of a hobby. I whittled
that out of beech wood.

It's beautiful.

So what got you into,
uh, "carpentering"?

I guess I'd have
to say Jesus.

He was a carpenter, and I
just figured if you're gonna
follow in someone's footsteps,

who better than Christ?
Greg's Jewish.
Are you?

- Mm-hmm.
- Well, so was J.C.

You're in good company.

